Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day off, Dartball, and Symposia

So what does a pastor do on his day off? 
You got it...sleep.
Well, actually, not quite.  You see, a pastor's day off is actually a pastor's wife's day off (if the pastor isn't too lazy).  Today it worked out that Joy finally got a break (it's been a while; i repent).  This morning I sent her off to the IC and she didn't come back till after supper.  I enjoyed time with the kids and I think we were all refreshed come the end of the day (and the house wasn't a complete wreck either, which is usually the case when mom leaves for a while, so that was a bonus!).  This evening was a bit different since it was Monday; and Monday means Dartball; but let's not talk about that.
But overall (minus the absence of my bride) the day was quite pleasant and now I'm ready for the mad dash to Symposia and vacation.  Although, from what I've heard from seasoned pastors, it's supposedly questionable whether it's really worth it for a pastor to actually go on vacation simply because of all the front-end work that needs to be done for the week he misses, and all the catching up that needs to be done when he returns (I'm sure it's not just pastors).  We'll see, I guess.
By the way, if you don't know what 'Symposia' is, here's a link to the schedule for the week: http://www.ctsfw.edu/Page.aspx?pid=607
Check it out if you care to.  In years to come, I hope to take anyone interested from the congregation, especially the elders.  It's a lot of theology in a short amount of time and by the end of the week your mind is mush, but it's so great; it's such a blessing and I pray that I'll come back with some new insights to pass along.  And, actually, what I can do is write a post at the end of each day with a summary of what went on and some new theological gem I discovered (like a theological pirate or something...).  Now all I have to do is remember to do it.  Feel free to remind me. 
God's Peace.

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